OK guys I need some help next Saturday the 15th. All of the tires that we piled up on the last clean up need to be put into dumpsters that are being supplied by the state. This is a big deal because the state and local government is now noticing our efforts and getting involved to remove these tires the “correct” way.
I can’t stress how much GOOD press we got from the last clean up and this next project will be huge to show how we can ban together on a short notice.
So the plan is this for next Saturday. Meet at our office no later then 9am and head over to the clean up area. Take the tires we got piled and place them neatly in the roll back trash containers. If we get enough help we may try to pull more of the tires from the woods.
What is in it for you? Come help in the AM and get free lunch and the rest of the day to go wheeling in the park.
PLEASE help me spread the word to all of the clubs in the area and let’s show the local government what we can pull off. Show them that our sport is not the image that most think of us.